2021 and a 270° Pivot

Important: Translated automatically from Spanish by 🌐💬 Aphra 1.0.0

“Can we risk the present for the sake of a nebulous future?“
“We must… because the future is not nebulous.”

Foundation (1951) - Isaac Asimov 

Most people use the last days of the year as a point of reflection about the events of the past few months and the objectives they want to set for themselves, taking advantage of the beginning of a new year, as if the night of December 31st to January 1st were somehow different from all others, somehow allowing a fresh start. However, for teachers, the magical night is the one that occurs from August 31st to September 1st. Because we don’t measure the passage of time in years, but in school years. During the break at the end of December, we are too busy planning the second trimester to also contemplate our lives at that moment.

The conclusions of the thread of thoughts that appeared in my head in August 2020 led me to request an unpaid leave of absence1 from my educational center last May, starting from the upcoming September 1st. Ready to take a break from the world of formal education and explore other paths, without knowing where they would lead me. However, soon the signs began to arrive. Luminous signs that, step by step and without any rush, seemed to mark a unique path. As if it were an event marked by Hari Seldon2, if psychohistory3 could be applied to a single individual, the future arrived and seemed to be inevitable. And as it can be no other way, I see it much clearer connecting the dots backward4. Thus, on the upcoming September 1st, I will begin another year in the world of formal education, but in a different educational center.

At the same time, I was considering the future of this page, of this personal blog. Should it transform into something else? Disappear? Have I run out of ideas, with nothing worth transmitting? Does anyone really care? Is it a problem that I haven’t achieved a specific publication frequency? Do I have a clear understanding of the audience it’s aimed at and create content based on a target audience? Many questions with a pessimistic answer, only to return to the same conclusion: I write to organize my ideas and improve my own writing. And I want to continue doing so, in addition to exploring other types of content.

In 2021, I thought about making a 180° turn in my life and the blog, and I went overboard5, reaching 270°. Almost returning to the starting point, but from a different angle.

And what better way to represent a change without change in the blog than by changing themes. Literally. As always, detailed in the How it’s made6 section.

Wherever you come from, feel welcome. And if you’re a teacher, take advantage of this time to rest and recharge your batteries before the new school year begins. It’s just a strong enough sigh away.

  1. In Spain, this type of leave is typically unpaid and allows employees to take an extended break from work while maintaining their right to return to their position. ↩︎

  2. Hari Seldon is a key character in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, known for developing psychohistory to predict the future of large populations. ↩︎

  3. Psychohistory is a fictional science in Asimov’s Foundation series that combines history, sociology, and statistics to make general predictions about the future behavior of large groups. ↩︎

  4. This is a reference to Steve Jobs’ Stanford commencement speech, where he talks about understanding life’s path by looking back at past experiences. ↩︎

  5. This is an idiomatic expression meaning to go too far or to exaggerate, similar to the Spanish “me pasé de rosca.” ↩︎

  6. This refers to a specific section of the blog where the author explains the technical aspects of the website or blog creation. ↩︎