Imagine... An ideal app for planning and improving class sessions

List of desirable features

Important: Translated automatically from Spanish by 🌐💬 Aphra 1.0.0

Imagine an app that lets us plan class sessions for a subject or module1 throughout an entire school year2.

Imagine that this app, simply by entering our weekly schedule and holiday dates, generates all the sessions we need to plan.

Imagine that it allows us to write a description for each session, as well as comments or ideas for future improvements to consider in upcoming courses.

Imagine that we can access, from any device and at a glance, the sessions and descriptions we have to teach on a specific day.

Imagine that it allows us to make modifications on the fly, such as a change in order, adjusting pending sessions to this modification.

Imagine that we can easily link each session to specific content and evaluation criteria3.

Imagine that it is capable of exporting the sessions in an easily editable format, to be able to import them into a new school year.

These are just my imaginings4. If anyone knows of software, preferably open source and with the possibility of installation on one’s own server (self-hosted)5, that is more or less already prepared for these use cases, I kindly ask you to contact me. I have already tried several such as Additio, iDoceo or Chalk Planboard6. Most fail especially when it comes to exporting, as they only allow doing so in formats like PDF. Which looks very nice, but is very impractical for transforming, improving and reusing these sessions in subsequent courses.

Let’s continue imagining.

  1. In the Spanish education system, a “módulo” can refer to a specific unit of study within a vocational training course, which is different from a general subject or course. ↩︎

  2. The Spanish school year typically runs from September to June, which may differ from other countries’ academic calendars. ↩︎

  3. Evaluation criteria in the Spanish education system are guidelines used to assess student performance and achievement in various subjects or domains. ↩︎

  4. The phrase “imaginaciones mías” is used idiomatically to refer to one’s personal thoughts or ideas, often with a slightly whimsical or self-deprecating tone. ↩︎

  5. Open source software refers to programs with freely accessible source code, while self-hosted means the software can be installed and run on one’s own server, providing greater control over data and customization. ↩︎

  6. Additio, iDoceo, and Chalk Planboard are educational apps designed to help teachers with various aspects of classroom management, including lesson planning, grading, and student progress tracking. ↩︎