Envisioning... A teacher collaboration platform for action research

Joining forces to multiply impact?

Important: Translated automatically from Spanish by 🌐💬 Aphra 1.0.0

Envision a platform where teachers interested in participating in educational research can register, indicating the subjects or modules1 they teach and other relevant information, such as their school’s geographical location.

Envision that researchers can filter a search using this data and send a message requesting collaboration in the research they want to conduct, indicating: what hypotheses they wish to put to the test, what they ask of collaborators, and what they offer in return.

Envision that this platform is organized by fields of study, with a section linking to new education research articles of interest for the specific specialty.

Envision that these articles have linked profiles of the teachers who have collaborated on them, with these articles also appearing on the teacher’s profile following a two-way link.

These are just ideas I’ve been toying with2. If anyone knows of a software, preferably open source3 and with the possibility of installation on one’s own server (self-hosted)4, that is more or less ready for these use cases5, I kindly ask them to contact me.

Let’s continue to explore these possibilities.

  1. In the Spanish education system, “módulos” refers to specific units or components of a course. ↩︎

  2. “Imaginaciones mías” in Spanish represents personal, conceptual ideas that go beyond simple imaginings. ↩︎

  3. Open-source software refers to computer programs whose source code is freely accessible for use, modification, and distribution. ↩︎

  4. Self-hosted installation involves setting up and running software on one’s own server, providing greater control over data and infrastructure. ↩︎

  5. In software development, “use cases” describe how a user interacts with a system to achieve a specific goal. ↩︎